WP leader: SINTEF Ocean AS
The overall objective in this work package is to provide reliable data for parameterization of biological water quality, water treatment strategies and fish health. This will be realized by addressing the following sub-objectives:
WP leader: Bielefeld University, Center for Biotechnology
The overall objective in this work package is to provide reliable tools and technologies for identification and quantification of species in mixed environmental samples. This will be accomplished by addressing the following sub-objectives:
WP leader: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
The main objectives of this WP are the development, refinement, implementation and validation of protocols, method and systems for the detection at ultra-low level of H2S and off-flavour compounds in RAS using GC-MS and portable platforms. The information gathered regarding these parameters in the pilots will allow to assess the water quality status of the RAS and to establish the main relationships between the presence of certain microorganisms and the production of those dangerous/problematic compounds. |
WP leader: SINTEF Ocean AS
The overall objective in this WP is to investigate whether observation of the biomass itself may serve as a valuable indication of water quality. Potentially, this technique may comprise more factors than available in off-the-shelf sensors. The video recordings will also serve as valuable documentation to the fish trails, where new methods may be applied retrospectively. The WP will address the following sub-objectives:
WP leader: University of Patras
The general objective of this work package is an overall assessment of the health status of the fish in RAS systems in relation with microbiota in biofilter system and tank water. Three approaches will be applied to achieve this goal:
WP leader: Lappeenranta University of Technology
The main objective of this WP is to search an effective technology for aquaculture wastewater treatment. Herein there are four main sub-objectives to approach the main objective:
WP leader: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Large amounts of multi-dimensional data will be collected within the DIGIRAS project. The overall objective of WP7 will be to integrate information on chemical and biological water quality with clinically relevant outcomes related to fish health and production. The ultimate aim is to utilize data from sensors and real time surveillance for early warning and data-driven decision support. The following tasks will contribute to achieving the overall objective:
WP 8- Communication and dissemination |
WP leader: SINTEF Ocean AS
The main objective of this WP is to make sure that all communication and dissemination (C&D) activities and needs from the different WPs and the project in general are considered and coordinated. All partners will be included to contribute to C&D objectives, such as review and mapping of stakeholders at European, national and local levels, coordinated timing of dissemination activities, media presentations, and distribution of activities between partners. C&D activities will be addressed through various channels to the scientific community, industry, public and authorities. This work package will be strongly supported by a Post-Doc candidate from partner UPA, dedicated working in this WP. |
WP 9- Coordination and management |
WP leader: SINTEF Ocean AS
The main objective of this WP is to ensure the realization of the project objectives, accomplishment of described project deliverable according to the work plan, in required quality and within the budget allocated. In short, This WP includes all administrative and organizational measures to guarantee the success of the DIGIRAS project. |