Bielefeld University
Will provide sequencing resources comprising Illumina sequencers (HiSeq 1500, NextSeq 500, MySeq) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencers (GridION X5). Further instruments are used for quality and quantity control of nucleic acids and libraries: Tecan, Agilent BioAnalyser, Fragment Analyser. High-throughput robot for library construction: Hamilton NGS Star. Real-time PCR comprises Roche Lightcycler 96 and a Bio-Rad digital droplet PCR system. The bioinformatics infrastructure is provided by CeBiTec and the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI). Hardware resources comprise several high-performance computing machines with up to 3 Tb RAM and a compute cluster with more than 6.000 CPUs. Specialized hardwares are Time Logic FPA machines with built-in BLAST algorithms as well as GPU clusters. The total disk space is close to 11 Pb. These resources are accessible over a cloud Germany-based infrastructure and many bioinformatics tools are already available within Docker containers.